Pubg mobile 0.13.0 update release on may 31.

Pubg mobile 0.13.0 update release on may 31.

A lot of players all ready started playing pubg mobile new update beta version. However,there was no hint about the rollout date for the stable update.

The pupular from tencent pubg mobile, recently received the 0.12.5 stable update
And shortly after we saw that the tencent started pushing the 0.13.0 beta update to the player

0.13.0 update deatils.

The part of the Godzilla partnership, the players will get to see a new mode which will be Deathmatch where teams will be able to fight against each other with unlimited respawns. With this new update, the players will also be able to spot the Godzilla at times lurking in the water, and there will be big footprints all over the map as well. The Godzilla partnership will also bring a new loading screen, new avatars and avatar frames to PUBG Mobile.
The Godzilla partnership is not the most exciting thing about the 0.13.0 update on PUBG Mobile. Instead, it will also bring the new Bizon – a Russian submarine gun which comes fitted a large helical magazine using a 9mm ammo. In the Gun Lab, we will able to see a new addition of Terror Fang Kar98k. Lastly, the latest update will also bring the stable version of the vikendi map to the players with fewer glitches and bugs.
Pubg mobile 0.13.0 update release on may 31. Pubg mobile 0.13.0 update release on may 31. Reviewed by Smart tech on May 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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