4.9 crore persons data leaks on Instagram

After Facebook's data leak, celebrities have come across a scary data leak affair. The personal information of millions of celebrities and important personalities has been leaked by the instagram. The Mumbai-based social media market company Chtrbox has traced this database.
This database has 4.9 million high profile people's personal information. Famous food bloggers, celebrities, people playing on social media include. Techcrunch provided this information.

People whose data has been leaked include information such as number of followers, biodata, public data, profile picture, location and personal contact numbers. However, after the TechCrunch report was published, immediately the chattberbox company had made this database offline.

Security researcher Anurag Sen got the information first and alerted the techcrunch. The Chattersbox company pays for celebrities to post sponsored texts on your account. After getting the information of this database, Facebook, which owns Instagram, told that the company will investigate this matter.
4.9 crore persons data leaks on Instagram 4.9 crore persons data leaks on Instagram Reviewed by Smart tech on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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