Be careful from these e-mails coming from Facebook

Be careful from these e-mails coming from Facebook

E-mail scams are not new since social media grows. This often gets misplaced through fake e-mails. Scammers send different fraud emails to users and the information is stolen from them. These e-mails are created so that users can click on them. The special tricks of such e-mails are curiosity and offers. Now scammers have brought a new idea to mess with the user.

Scammers have done a design that looks like Facebook's e-mail. It is said that you have not seen Facebook messages for a long time. So all those messages will be deleted.
Be careful from these e-mails coming from Facebook

Mail sending scanners:

The email scam case has come to an end. It is claimed that this email is a Facebook notification. Mail's subject has been written, 'Your messages will soon be deleted'. The mail has been written in the body, 'You have not used Facebook since many days and during that many things have happened on Facebook'. Below are two links given. One link is the message and the second link is to go to Facebook. In addition to this, the Footer Facebook Message Footage is given in the footage given in the message.

What will happen after clicking?

Users will be redirected to shopping websites after clicking on the message "go to message" and go to Facebook. Scammers will get money on your every click here. Scammers will get as much money as you click or get redirected to any web site.
Be careful from these e-mails coming from Facebook Be careful from these e-mails coming from Facebook Reviewed by Smart tech on June 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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