PUBG Mobile Tips & Tricks: These are 5 Best Tips and Tricks to Master in military Base

PUBG Mobile Tips & Tricks: These are 5 Best Tips and Tricks to Master in military Base, PUBG tricks to be in chicken dinner
Military Base Tips & Tricks 

Battle Royale Game PUBG Mobile is very popular game, there is no doubt in it. This game is being played across the world, including India, and its player base is growing rapidly. There are four maps to play in this game, of which Erangel is the oldest map. Along with the launch of the game, this map was included in the game. Erangel is the largest map in the game. Because of this large number of maps, the games played in it are quite long, but there are many places in this map, where players get the best loot, as well as the skills of the players in these locations. There is a great test. One such place is Military Base. To say this, players get a lot of looting in this location, but it is very difficult to save for players in this location. In this way, we have brought some tips and tricks for you, by which you can master Military Base and take maximum benefits along with your survival.


Choose the best drop location for your parachute
There are many hide and seek buildings in the Military Base. In such a situation, if the players descend around the building, then the other players can kill them in the building from Aram. In such a way, to get on the roof of the building is a great option. Here you get the gun as soon as possible and you do not target anyone. However, if you want to get off the roof, then we would advise you to get off soon from the other players by taking the tricks to get off soon.

Cover youself:
If you play PUBG Mobile, then obviously you will be aware that walking in PUBG Mobile is very important. Walking through the cover and under the guise of the walls are one of the main strategies of this game. The Military Base has a lot of grass around the building and there are also many containers of Drum Dasrah. If you want to go from one building to another or if you want to kill the players peeling out of the building's windows, then you have to walk through these containers or drums.

The right way to go inside the building:
There are many ways to learn in the building. But there are many rooms inside the building and there is a long lobby. In such a situation, if you choose straight door to go in, then chances of being your kill can increase. The best way to learn inside the building is the stairs included on the side of the building, through which you can go straight to the roof. From here you can knead down on the side of the floor window and go inside the window. Apart from this, you can use the hinges near the ground floor windows to hide and you can go in when the right time comes.

Become a wolf instead of a lion:
Yes, you must have heard that the lion hunts alone and the wolf hunts with the herd. Even if you have a lion animal in it, but inside PUBG Mobile, you will only get the wolf strategy. Especially if you are coming to the Military Base, then we will always advise you to come down with the whole team. If you land alone in Military Base, chances of subserving you are greatly reduced. Being a team, you can also take possession of the building or you can also make your prey by surrounded by the already occupied team. There is no doubt that teaming helps you create many strategies.

Loot and run
Choose Military Base to plunder players. In such a case, the best strategy is to get out of the Military Base as well as with good loot. If the hill area around the Military Base is inside Safe Zone (White Circle), then we would advise you to go to the top of the Hill and hide it soon. You can make your own target here from the players involved in the Military Base or the players out there.

PUBG Mobile Tips & Tricks: These are 5 Best Tips and Tricks to Master in military Base PUBG Mobile Tips & Tricks: These are 5 Best Tips and Tricks to Master in military Base Reviewed by Smart tech on June 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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