With the pre-installed apps, the smartphone has been Slow, so do a complete remove

Whenever we buy a new smartphone, it has many firsts. One of them is the latest operating system (OS) that comes with many new features. With the same OS, the smartphone also comes with some pre-installable apps. You can't even uninstall them. These apps surround the storage of your phone and also use the processor. Such apps are also known as Bloware. Many of these are also apps that are not of any work of the user. Even if you don't use them, these apps use Wi-Fi, mobile data and processors etc. in your phone. In this post we are giving you how to delete them.

First way:

Let me tell you that pre-installable apps cannot be deleted but these can be done off course. You'll need to go to the phone settings and tap on the Genaral tab. The Apps and Notifications will then have to be select. Here you will get two options. One of these Uninstall will be the second Force Stop. There may be Uninstall options fed for some apps. This means that this app cannot be Uninstall. In this case, you can Force the app to Stop. The app will then be switched off and will not appear in the phone.

Second way:

You can go to the Google Play store if you are unable to disable the app from the settings. You have to go to the play store and tap on the menu in the top left corner. It will then have to be tapped on My Apps and Games. Here are all the apps that will be present in your phone. You can select Uninstall or Disable for whichever you want to delete.
With the pre-installed apps, the smartphone has been Slow, so do a complete remove With the pre-installed apps, the smartphone has been Slow, so do a complete remove Reviewed by Smart tech on June 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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