Are you using atm machine in right way?

     First of all you need a atm card.if you don't have atm card then you can not withdraw money by atm.first you need to incert the atm card in machine.Then atm machine screen shows you the many options you need to click on the withdraw option.

     Then you need to select your account type if account is saving or current choose your account.After you choose your account type then atm machine want you atm cards secret pin.Then machine shows how many cash you want to withdraw just type then machine count your money and then all money throw out of atm money collecter. After you collect your cash then press cancel option on the atm machine.
      That's how atm machine works.

Are you using atm machine in right way? Are you using atm machine in right way? Reviewed by Smart tech on May 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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