92 million people play more than 3 hours every day, this game, are you one of them?

92 million people play more than 3 hours every day, this game, are you one of them?
92million people play this game every day 

Next time you see someone playing Candy Crush, do not laugh at them.  Why are we saying this?  Let us know, there are 92 lakh people who play Candy Crush for more than 3 hours per day.  Developer King's senior executive Alex Dell has shared this and some other shocking numbers.

According to a report by The Guardian, Dell told the committee that there are 270 million active players playing candy crush.  Of this, 9.2 million people play games more than 3 hours a day.  About 4.3 million people play this game for 6 hours or more per day.  He further stated that the main market of the game is women of 35 years or more, who play it for 38 minutes.

 In addition, he told that the people of Candy Crush also play 60, 70, 80.  The company has come to Revenue of $ 1.5 billion in 2018.  The executive told the committee that it is difficult to say that the game should not change in habit, how appropriate should it be to play the game?  When we talk to those who play, they say that they are happy to play the game.

92 million people play more than 3 hours every day, this game, are you one of them? 92 million people play more than 3 hours every day, this game, are you one of them? Reviewed by Smart tech on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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