Save whatsapp messages on smartphone without screenshots

Save whatsapp messages on smartphone without  screenshots, whatsapp message saveing
Save whatsapp images without screenshots 

Today WhatsApp has become quite popular among users.  It can be done not only text messages but also video and voice calling.  From sending photos to anyone, sending videos and important documents, users can easily do many things.  In the F8 developer conference last year, Facebook had said that WhatsApp users send 65 billion messages daily and this figure is growing steadily.  Many times it happens that if we chat with someone, then we want to save it for which we take screenshots.

However, there is a way to do this through which you can save someone's message without screenshots. Through this feature, users can book messages with group chat or private chat. This feature has been made available for Android, iOS and Windows users.

Android users can save messages like this:

 First you have to open WhatsApp. Then go to the chat you want to save.Now select the message that you want to bookmark.  You have to hold the message by tapping the message. Now on your screen, the star icon at the top will appear.  Tap on it. This will make your message Star mark.

 iOS users can save messages like this:

 First go to WhatsApp. After that open the chat you want to save. Now hold on the message and hold on the star icon. This will save your message.
Save whatsapp messages on smartphone without screenshots Save whatsapp messages on smartphone without  screenshots Reviewed by Smart tech on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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