Tiktok, Facebook makes bored to Young people

According to the youth, the use of social media and later their addiction are different things. Personal misuse of social media is causing personal harm.

India is the highest place in the open internet market at the global level. So one of the youth classes in the country is running away from social media. Closing the number of social media accounts in the country is not enough to download them.

According to information from the market intelligence firm Sensor Tower, in the first quarter of 2019, both Tiktok and Facebook apps were downloaded as much as 1250 lacs in India. Half of the Tiktok app's total users are Indian users. Indian users are fifth in the list of Facebook users. The emphasis is on putting young people on both of these companies.

In spite of this, some youths keep away from themselves. He has said that physical, financial, psychological and social losses are due to this. Lack of self-confidence can also reduce social media leaks and comments. In order to create their own image on social media, there is a fierce competition.

After being caught in the trap of social media, it would not be easy to get out of it. But many people are successful in getting out of it. 'There was a time that I did not have any attention, I used to sit with my eyes on social media's notifictions. My mind was not interested in the study, this was causing my educational losses. Just 8 months ago I uninstalled the social media apps. That is why I am also reading my time. Now I am using the right time by using educational apps', a 21-year-old student has expressed an opinion.
Tiktok, Facebook makes bored to Young people Tiktok, Facebook makes bored to Young people Reviewed by Smart tech on June 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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